we can't separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.” - Marianne Williamson
Let us become so self aware that we develop the eyes to see our true intentions. It is easy to say " i am doing it because i love him" or "i am in the right because...". If we stop moving through life on the tail coat of our emotions and rather learn to ride on the wings of our highest selves, which is merely and expression of God/love we will serve all those around us with out even trying. The idea of me and I, will be replaced with we and us. There will no longer be a hidden agenda or a self serving motive. Remember how sneaky your ego can be and how it often masks our seeking of safety as love.
You know when you go to yoga and the teacher tells you to begin consciously breathing and all of sudden you can feel the coolness of the air going down your body, you experience the expansion of your lungs and the oxogen rushing to your blood. Let us try to apply this same awareness to our words and actions. If what you seek in life is joy, love and happiness you cannot separate your life into compartments. Every moment and situation has to be infused with the God/ love that lives within you. It is like every thing in life, the more you practice living in awareness the better you will become at it. Do not wait for your next yoga class to center yourself into the oneness with all, make a choice to do it right now!
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